Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nordic Cool 2013: February 19th - March 17th New Nordic Architecture and Identity

New Nordic--Architecture and Identity is an exhibition from the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art located outside Copenhagen, Denmark and is the first in a series of exhibits that investigate architecture's relationship with culture and identity.
New Nordic sets out to explore whether or not certain specifically ‘Nordic' features appear in architecture and, if so, how these manifest. Two segments of the larger exhibit is on display at the Kennedy Center during Nordic Cool 2013. 

Five Nordic Houses/Pavilions 
The museum invited five Nordic architects to each build a small dwelling which best suits the style and needs of the architect's home country: Studio Granda of Iceland, Johan Celsing of Sweden, Jarmund/Vigsnæs of Norway, Lassila Hirvilammi of Finland, and Lundgaard & Tranberg of Denmark.
Each house is an expression of the architect's regional identity and experiences.


Iceland - Studio Granda interview with architects Steve Christer and Margret Hardardottir

                                     The New Nordic--Architecture and Identity exhibition 
                       Louisiana Museum of Modern Art Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec 2012



 Norway - architect interview - Jarmund/Vigsnæs


 Sweden - architect interview - Johan Celsing

What is Nordic? -- Nordic Dioramas
Is there a Nordic identity? Can one, despite the tendency of globalization to erase national and cultural differences, still understand identity as something associated with a parti­cular place? How has the Nordic identity developed alongside the development of the rest of the world? In an attempt to answer these questions, the Nordic Dioramas installation begins with another question: "What does Nordic mean to you?" Several cultural personalities from the Nordic countries and territories provide their answers in these small dioramas to be displayed during the festival in the Atrium.

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